Monday, December 3, 2012

King Arthur Flour Goes to School

Demonstration Time!
Photo used with permission from King Arthur Flour

Wheat Loaf
Photo used with permission
from King Arthur Flour
I am so excited!  King Arthur Flour is coming to my district in January.  They are coming to show kids how to make a loaf of bread and demonstrate the math and science behind baking.  King Arthur will show us how to measure the ingredients and explain how yeast works.  Every student from grades 4-7 in our district will get a kit that will make two loaves of bread.  One loaf for their family and one to give away to charity.  Our school will collect the bread and it will be given to local food pantries and soup kitchens. 

This all started last summer when I stopped in to visit the King Arthur Flour store in Norwich, Vermont.  I became inspired to cook and learn more about King Arthur Flour.  Once I got home, I started following them on Facebook and their website.  That's when I saw that they have a school program called Life Skills Bread Baking and it's free!  I thought it would be nice for King Arthur Flour to come to our school so I contacted my principal, Mrs. Rivet and the Asst. Supt. Mrs. Frangos for their approval and their help.  And now they're coming!! 

I am really pumped that King Arthur Flour is on their way.  We will learn math and science while helping others - I think that is really cool!

You can learn more about the program at    

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